3 Surprising Foods with Hidden Gluten to Watch Out for This Thanksgiving

gluten free pumpkin pie, gluten free baking, gluten free recipe

Thanksgiving, a time for gratitude, family, and, of course, delicious food. While traditional Thanksgiving dishes are a staple, for those with gluten sensitivities or celiac disease, hidden gluten in popular dishes can be a real concern. It’s not just about avoiding bread and pastries; gluten lurks in some unexpected places. In this post, we’ll uncover three Thanksgiving foods that surprisingly contain gluten and offer safe, tasty alternatives to ensure your holiday meal is both enjoyable and gluten-free.


1. Any Prepared Gravy

Gravy is the heart of Thanksgiving cuisine, adding richness to everything from turkey to mashed potatoes. However, most store-bought or traditionally prepared gravies use flour as a thickening agent, which is a no-go for gluten-free diners.

The good news is making gluten-free gravy is simple and doesn’t compromise on taste. You can use cornstarch, arrowroot, or potato starch as thickening agents. These substitutes work just as well as flour, creating a smooth and flavorful gravy without the gluten. To make it, start by using the drippings from your roasted turkey. Mix your chosen gluten-free starch with a little cold water to form a paste, then gradually whisk it into the hot drippings over low heat. Keep stirring until the gravy thickens to your liking. This way, you can savor the richness of gravy without worrying about gluten.


2. Prepared Fruit Pie Fillings

Fruit pies are a Thanksgiving dessert staple, but it’s not just the crust you need to be wary of; many prepared fruit pie fillings contain gluten as a thickener. This can be a hidden source of gluten that many overlook.

The key is to carefully check the labels. Look for fillings that are explicitly marked as ‘certified gluten-free.‘ Better yet, consider making your pie filling from scratch. It’s easier than you might think! Fresh or frozen fruits, a bit of sugar, and a gluten-free thickener like cornstarch can create a delicious, safe filling for your gluten-free pie crust. This approach not only keeps your dessert gluten-free but also lets you control the amount of sugar and avoid preservatives found in some canned fillings.


If you are making a fruit pie from scratch, you NEED to try our delicious gluten-free pie crust! It is made with our delicious [not sure which flour blend]!

3. Green Bean and Squash Casseroles:

Classic green bean and squash casseroles are holiday favorites. However, many recipes call for canned cream soups, which often contain gluten.

Alternative: Fortunately, making a gluten-free version of these creamy soups is easy and adds a fresh twist to your dish. Start with fresh or frozen vegetables. Cook them until tender, then blend with a gluten-free broth to create a smooth base. You can thicken the soup with cornstarch or Hand + Hearts All Purpose Gluten Free Flour.  Season with herbs and spices to taste, and you’ve got a perfect gluten-free substitute for the canned soup. Not only does this make your casserole safe for those avoiding gluten, but it also enhances the flavor with fresh ingredients.



This Thanksgiving, enjoy a feast that’s both delicious and gluten-free. By being mindful of hidden gluten ingredients and using simple alternatives, you can create a holiday meal that everyone can enjoy! Remember, a little extra care in your meal preparation can make your Thanksgiving both safe and memorable.

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